Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shanghai Botanic Garden

This past Sunday morning, we packed a small picnic, hopped on bus #720 (1Y) and rode the 5km to the Shanghai Botanic Garden. It is a great destination on a clear spring day. 81 hectares (100 hectares = 1 square kilometer) of plants, shrubs, flowers and tress in almost downtown Shanghai. The 15 yuan admission charge keeps the crowds manageable. One negative: Of the plants, trees, flowers and shrubs that are displayed, less than 1% are identified.

The highlights for us were
- the Peony Garden which was in full bloom
- The Cymbidium Orchid Pavilion (7 yuan additional). Actually the pavilion itself was not that great but the surrounding environs were peaceful and pleasant. One hillside of Japanese maples was particularly brilliant in the sun.
- Watching the locals enjoying the park, sitting with their songbirds or ballroom dancing.
- The picnic lunch!

We did not visit the main conservatory as we will save that for our next visit.

Here is the evidence.

On the bus.

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

The Main Conservatory Building.

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

The peonies (with photographers of course).

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

Ballroom dancing

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

Men and their birds

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

The Cymbidium pavilion area. The big structure is the pavilion.

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

Japanese Maples on a hillside
Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

Shanghai China 20060416 botanical garden

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