Sunday, January 07, 2007

My new babysitter

John and I got used to spend a lot of time together when we went to live in Jacksonville. I guess we felt we need to stick together in a new place.

Coming to Shanghai I felt an even greater need to stick with John all the time. Besides going our separate ways to work and the occasional team outings, we pretty much do everything together. However, I was going off to book group once a month and yoga weekly. I had uneasy feeling that I was leaving him behind to fend/entertain himself, even though I suspect he is happy that I am not around to order him around.

My one comfort has been that the digital camera we bought right before we came was the best investment ever. The thing really keeps John occupied and out of trouble, evident in his prolific bodies of work on flickr, blogger, and youtube.

Now, included in our new apartment is a single gym membership at the club right beside our building. John is automatically the winner in the family because of his recent visit to the emergency room. He can workout there up to three times a week -- he is averaging one :( The important thing is that it's comforting for me to know that he is busy working out at the gym when I am at yoga or bookgroup.

1 comment:

Crash Eddy said...

"leaving him behind to fend/entertain himself, even though I suspect he is happy that I am not around to order him around."

C'mon, Sun-Ling, you know that all us men, would prefer to have you women nearby, ordering us around;-}