The weathernet promised clear skies and temps in the high 50's so about 11:00 AM we set off for Hongkou District where Sun-Ling grew up for some historic building viewing.
We hopped on bus #10, almost right in front of our apartment, which took us all the way to Lu Xun park in Hongkou. On the way we got a good look at Huai Hai Lu, People's Park, and North Sichuan Lu.
Pre-1939, the Hongkuo district had lots of residential housing - it was not a commercial district. There were many villas like these. You could almost imagine you were in Europe.

And many townhouses like these.

The weather was pleasant and old folks were soaking in the rays on Duolun Rd.

On Duolun Rd - the only church in Shanghai built in Chinese style architecture.

There were many cinema's in this district. Here's one, the International Cinema on Haining Lu.

417 Zhapu Lu - at the corner of Haining Lu. Sun-Ling's childhood home. Her family lived on the 3rd floor of the building at center right with the orange and blue first floor exterior. Their "space" also included the rooftop of the beige building next door which now has a small shed.

There was an historic movie theatre across the street; however, it no longer functions as a movie theatre, but is divided into an Internet Cafe, a disco, and several restaurants. The original facade is obscured by signage.

At the other end of the block was this fire station which is still used today - I think.

We stopped at Mr Pizza - almost underneath Sun-Ling's old home, for a veggie pizza. Later we stopped at the New Asia Hotel for a couple of Iced Coffees. Crossed Suzhou Creek, walked along the Bund, and rode the subway home.
There are a number of major historic buildings on the North side of Suzhou creek. We checked out all the ones in the photos below, including a quick peek in each lobby.
The Post Office, were Sun-Ling bought stamps for her stamp collection.

The Astor Hotel - since 1846.

Broadway Mansions Hotel and Waibaidu Bridge.

And some different views of the Pudong skyline. Well, the Pearl Tower remains the same but at least the foreground is different. ;-)

Ceramic pigs.

Hanging Pigs.

Giant Papercut Pigs.

more pig
and more pigs