First stop was at Gateway Towers to buy tickets for tomorrow's 4:30 showing of the latest 007 movie. We are taking Sun-Ling's nephews (the sons of two of her cousins). While waiting for SL to buy the tickets I took this shot of the mall dome with the red lanterns.

As we walked along Huai Hai Lu in the Embassy/Consulate District, the streets seemed almost deserted. The even the normally kinetic street sweepers were relaxing.

The Consulate Guards were out for a walk on a winter's day.

The famous Normandie Apartments - at left.

The famous Empire Mansions (apartments).

24 Fuxing Xi Lu (Magy Apartment) faces the corner. A super Art Deco building. One of my new favorites.

Willow Court (apartments) - the yellow building at right-back.

We made two pit stops today. First at 1:30 for iced coffees, onion rings, fried noodles,and deep fried rice balls. And again about 4:30 for 2 coffee milkshakes. Yum!
Home at 5:30. SL made a tasty spicy Thai stir-fry.
Evening: I worked on uploading photos to Flickr and writing this post.Sun-Ling watched Million Dollar Baby. We were both interrupted several times by more fireworks in the courtyard. Fun!
Pigs of the Day.
McDonald's poster by a bus stop.

Poster on the door of a restaurant.

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