Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shanghai's Bad Climate - The Proof

Last year I published an hypothesis on this blog
Shanghai has the coldest winters of any city in the world at similar latitude and elevation.

On purpose, I published the statement with no supporting data and was a bit surprised to receive no comments, questions, challenges, nor congratulations to what I thought was a brilliant, new, and provocative insight. Sigh....

So, now with much humility, I am belatedly publishing the proof. I used data from BBC Weather comparing Shanghai's January weather to that of San Diego, New Orleans, Marrakech, and Alexandria. As a bonus, July is also included.

Here is the same data. [I've been playing with google docs again. ;-)]


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your blog, I've been lurking around - but I wanted to thank you both for all your candid comments! I'm currently in Houston, Texas so although the weather won't be an improvement, I have a much better idea of what I can expect thanks to your data posting.

P.S. Are current books/reading materials in English readily available in Shanghai?

john said...

Thanks for reading...Regarding your question. There are several English language bookstores that cater to foreigners - they will have the current bestsellers. Getting "this week's issue" of your favorite USA magazine will take a month and will cost you. Better to start reading online. ;-) -john