Sunday, December 24, 2006

Shopping for Xmas Eve Dinner Party

Sun-Ling and I are having a few friends over for dinner on Christmas Eve, so last night we went out to one of our nearby supermarkets to buy stuff. The Christmas carols were blaring so I discretely set my camera on the shopping cart and took some video.

This supermarket is in the basement of a shopping mall and was not particularly crowded last night.

The folks in blue uniforms are supermarket staff.



jaydro said...

That was fun! I noticed the overhead flat-screen TVs with ads going--we saw those in a tiny San Juan, PR supermarket, too. Surprising that they haven't invaded our local supermarkets.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Target! We miss you guys not being here for Christmas. Ingo's parents are here for a few days. Was that a penguin on Sun Ling's bag?

john said...

Yes, it's the Penguin Books logo. I got the bag as 2nd prize in a Penguin Books limerick contest. -john

jaydro said...

Hah, and I thought the Penguin was representing some flavor of Linux. MS Linux? Oh, no, wait--Live Linux! ;-)